Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Doctors, Please STOP THE MADDNESS!!!

Once again today, I am counseling and working with another client.  Many come to me with drug problems, marital problems, mental and or emotional problems or just struggling with sin, religion, life, etc. 

People keep asking me WHAT I am.  I am not sure what I am.  I know WHO I am.  I am a punk kid from the streets of the west coast, saved by grace.  I am a husband, father and grandfather.  I am a Licensed and Ordained Christian Minister.  A Pastor of several Pastors, a Missionary, an Evangelist and an Author.  I am a fairly extensively read and studied Counselor and most days for the last 20 years I have worked with alcoholics, drug addicts, homeless, abandoned, widowed, orphaned, divorced, incarcerated, trafficked, hurting and broken people.  I do it on my time, on my dime.

Because of all of this I am going to speak out AGAIN about the modern medical practices of the private physicians, clinics and hospital doctors in America.  I am not foolish enough to believe that ALL doctors are part of the problem.  Three of my personal friends are doctors and 2 of them agree with me 100% about this.  The other agrees mostly but disagrees on certain points.  Many doctors are not part of the problem but the practices that I am about to speak of have become the more predominant instead of the less predominant; Especially among the entry levels of practice. 

This man that I am currently working with, (one of several for the last few weeks), has a story with the medical field that is so incredibly common that if I used the exact circumstance they would fit 8 out of 10 of most of the people that I have been working with for the last couple of years. 

This is the story.  A person gets hurt, gets sick or becomes prey to their own bad choices and ends up not functioning well in society.  Their life begins to fall apart and so they go to some sort of an entry level physician.   The patient tells the doctor that they are not thinking straight, feeling good, can’t get out of bed, are abusing certain chemicals, lost their job or spouse or house, etc. etc. etc. 

Now, there are a thousand different reasons why these things could be happening.  The patient could be lazy, they could be drunk a lot, they could be cheating on their spouse, they could have a chemical imbalance, they could have a brain tumor, they could be possessed, they could be running from God and on and on and on.  So what does the doctor do?  The exact same thing almost every singe time.  Prescribe Cymbalta, Lexapro, Lithium, Xanax, Zoloft, Prozac, Wellbutrin.  And prescribe them in multiple forms and high doses.  Doctors now days have these prescriptions in quick draw holsters.  I actually went to challenge a local clinic about this and they threatened to call the police.  The doctor has a bunch of these prescriptions written up in advance and he would just fill in the patients name.  I told them to call the police because I was pretty sure that was against the law.  Anyway.  If you have a first name and a last name you are a candidate to take some of these meds as far as some of them are concerned.  Most of my clients are on these drugs AND they were never tested for anything.  WHAT?!?!  That’s right.  The doctors that prescribed them did not run one single test on their patients before giving them these drugs. 

This is wrong on soooo many levels that I hardly know where to start.  First of all, some of these chemicals are narcotic based and even the ones that are not are very addictive.  Why in the world would you give someone a very addictive controlled substance when you do not know what is wrong with them?  Now I know that the prescribers love to say that these drugs are not addictive.  If you read some of the “official websites” of many of these drugs they say things like, “Zoloft is a non-addictive chemical supplement for the brain.  It can be VERY DIFFICULT to come off of and extreme caution should be used to not hurt the patient in trying to wean them from a long term use of the drug as it creates a false need for the substance. “  EXCUSE ME?  The statement basically says that it is not addictive but you have to be very careful with it because it acts addictive and the patient will get addicted to it.  This might as well have been written by a Hillary Clinton press agent. 

The next problem that I see is this.  They rarely give you one low dose of one chemical and try it for a couple weeks and adjust it a little.  If that doesn’t seem to work then take you off of that one and try a low dose of a different one…..OH NO.  My client that I counseled with this morning was put on THREE of these chemicals at the same time within minutes of meeting a doctor for the first time.  When I researched the chemicals I found that two of them specifically advise to not be mixed with each other.  Yes, a doctor, at a clinic gave my client a dangerous mix of drugs after meeting him for just a few minutes and it took me less that one minute to find out that they weren’t supposed to be used together. 

Doctors are just people too.  What they think, what they believe, what they are going through in their own personal lives will affect them just like everybody else.  If a doctor does not believe in God, that will take certain possible causes to the problem out of his or her mind.  If they completely accept all Freudian thought, that will take certain causes off the table.  And so on. 

For example:  One of the most abused diagnosis that I am seeing over and over again is the diagnosis of Bi-polar.  Doctors love this diagnosis.  Why?  Because it cannot be proven for one thing.  There is no bi-polar test.  The diagnosis of bi-polar is ALWAYS a guess.  It may be a hypothesis (an EDUCATED guess), it may be more accurate in some cases, but it is still a guess.  Most doctors feel like they are accurately reading the symptoms.  Let me tell you my problem with making such a guess so often and so willy nilly.  There are hundreds of things that can be going on in a man or woman’s life that will have the exact same symptoms as bi-polar would and giving these drugs to those people will only make them a thousand times worse.  Many SINS have the exact same symptoms as bi-polar.  Bi-polar is the new fangled term for the old “disease” called Manic-Depression.   In other words, your moods would swing way too high and then way too low to be able to function correctly. 

If someone cheated on their spouse, that would cause the exact same symptoms as bi-polar.  The high of the physical rush of the sexual encounter would be way too high to deal with correctly and then immediately there would come a ‘dealing with the conscience” that would cause grief for doing something so terrible to the one you were supposed to love. 

If someone stole something it could cause the exact same symptoms as bi-polar.  The thrill of attaining that thing that you weren’t supposed to have and then the extreme fear and anxiety of wondering if you are going to get caught.  The diagnosing and dispensing of these extremely sensitive drugs do not take any of these kinds of things into account. 

I actually had a client just 2 years ago that went through this exact scenario.  The client was committing continual horrible sin.  They went to the doctor, was prescribed a horrific cocktail of dangerous mind altering drugs, received counseling at HMA, ended up admitting the sin and praying and getting forgiveness from God, spouse and children.  Ended up not needing the drugs.  Dropped off of 3 of them but had to go to a detox center and drug treatment program to get off of the 4th one. 

I AM NOT SAYING THAT IF YOU HAVE THESE TYPES OF PROBLEMS THAT IT IS AUTOMATICALLY BECAUSE YOU ARE SINNING.  I am saying that there are too many other things that it could be for these folks to be passing this stuff out like candy. 

What if it is God trying your faith?  What if it is the Devil attacking your mind?  Drugs cannot fix either one of those.  Only prayer, faith and dedication to Christ can. 

Yet another problem I have about these drugs and the way they are prescribed.  Doctors and medical groups get “paid extra” for writing these prescriptions.  Does anybody really believe that if you get paid 1,000.00 for doing your job or 1,500.00 for doing your job plus recommending some product, that a lot of people won’t start recommending that product more?  Of all the idiotic things that congress HAS taken up, why haven’t they looked into that one? 

Perhaps everyone is jumping up and down about the drug epidemic in America because the medical field, (second only to The Federal Government in how many people it employs in America) is driving the addiction rate higher and higher by flooding the streets of America with addictive substances that lead to worse substances.  It has been said for almost 50 years in America that “marijuana is the gateway drug”.  Not anymore friend.  Prescription drugs are the gateway drugs.  I’m not even talking about pain killers either.  I’m talking supposed ant-depressants. 

Perhaps one way to slow the addiction rate in America is to stop the gigantic drug companies from supplementing the pay of our doctors for dispensing more addictive and controlled substances without proof of need.  I’ll give you a couple of personal examples about this.  My wife has taken hardly a pill in her life.  A handful of Tylenol maybe in the last 30 years.  But every time she has to go see a doctor about something, she comes out with a handful of prescriptions.  I saw a doctor just the other day and they asked me if I wanted a prescription for Hydrocodone.  A very abused and controlled substance.  I said, “No, I am not even in any pain.”  They wrote me one anyway.  INSANITY! 

A final note for now.  I have been working the streets of Tulsa for over a decade and dealing mostly with addicts and the ultra poor.  If you think for one second that these “anti-depressants” aren’t driving the addiction rate of society, you better think again.  Let’s just take one of these drugs for a final example.  Xanax.  It is so popular on the streets I have to ask the young homeless guys and gang members that I talk to regularly what the new terminology is for it.  Xanax is the chemical company name for the drug.  By every few days I hear it referred to on the street as “Bars”, “Ladders”, “Footballs”, “Benzo”, “Flight” and “Helicopters”.   While you are thinking about why there are so many “cool” and coded street names for a drug that supposedly never makes it to the street, think about this.  In generic form, one Xanax pill costs about 25 cents as a prescription.   But I can introduce you to a dozen young people that live in the shelters of Tulsa that pay between 4 and 10 dollars a piece for them every day.  If I’m doing the math correctly that would be a 4,000% markup.  WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!

I want to repeat that I do NOT believe that every doctor is bad or every sick person is a sinner and I am not trying to diagnose anyone or convince you to not take medicine.  But I am saying that enough is enough.  I am seeing people every week now that are all jacked up on so many dangerous drugs that are handed out at the expense of the tax payer, the family unit, the ministry, society as a whole and even at the jeopardy of the human soul at times.  God bless you and please pray for us at HMA. 

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Your humble servant,
Rev. D. Todd Sloggett


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