Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Dear friends,
     One of the most important issues of our time is coming to a head.  Is the ACLU relevant?  I am not an idialog, a political hack nor am I a blind follower of some random cultic thought.  I will be the first to admit that the ACLU has done many good things in past history and even a few decent things in recent history.  If you can't admit that, then you probably are an idialog.  But the basic arguements that they have today make little sense, if any, unless they have a hidden agenda and only tell certain things to the public that they believe that the "ignorant public" will accept. 
     There is a current battle going on in the Bay Minette, AL area that the ACLU is hot and heavy on, but they and thier side are absolutely distorting all facts about the case.  I work very closely with one of the churches involved and the press that this thing is recieving is abolutely absurd.  The oppostion (ACLU) to a particular act in that town is claiming that people are being forced or coaxed to go to church.  Point #1 it's not just "poeple", as if it is some random folks from off the street.  It is criminals.  People that broke laws.  Now I know, criminals are people too.  But the two don't always equate so you cannot throw out the term criminals.  For example, people aren't always criminals.  Point #2 is that they are saying that the "criminals" are being forced or coaxed when actually they are given multiple choices.  They can go to jail, they can do community service or they can go to church.  I think I remember the last several times that I heard an athiest ACLU attorney try to express his reasons for why they are so adimately fighting the church all around the country is because they believe so strongly in choice and freedoms and tolerance.  Really?!  This act in Bay Minette seems to do all of those things.  It gives choices and tolerance and even awards certain freedoms.  If you believe that some religious activity could help you then you are allowed to choose that course.  If you believe that hard work and community involvement is better for your psyche than attending some church service then you are allowed to choose that course.  If you are a lazy, mean spirited person that just wants to sit around on the communities tax dime, you can even choose that course.  What more does the ACLU want???  If they believe so strongly that they are right, why don't they let people have a choice and then we will see what works best and what people choose.  Unless the common people are just to stupid to know what is good for them. 
     So in all reality this case is finally showing the true colors of this radical groug that has hijacked what once was an organization of the common man.  This case shows that they do not want the things that they have been telling us that they want.  choices, freedoms and tollerance.  Either they have been lying to us, or they are hypocrites.
       The cool-aid drinking ilk that carry water for these people don't make any more sense either.  On a regional radio talk show this morning in Florida one of my affiliate preachers heard them discussing this case.  Our preacher sent them a facebook link about how one of my organizations have been doing similar to the Bay Minette action in a certain city here in America.  The radio person then went on some web sites and got back on the air and said that it wasn't working in that city because the crime rate was up in that city since we started there three years ago.  That is a shallow, ridiculous, uneducated argument.  That is like me taking a grey steering wheel and a grey stick shift knob off of a car and saying that it is a grey car.  Knowing all along that the car in mostly red, with chrome on parts and black interior with grey accents. There are lots of components that make up reasons for crime rate in any particular place.  Almost every city in America today has a higher crime rate than two or three years ago.  So does that mean that if they are doing non-religious things in some other city, now we have to say that isn't working either.  The reason that crime is up is because #1 the government has been forced to cut funding to our policing agencies and #2 because we are in a recession and more people are out of work and feel forced to commit crimes.  Guess where I got those statistcs ACLU?  Uh uh uh, let's not be hypocritical again.
       The ACLU makes me feel more like Jesus all the time, because the better part of his minsitry was spent fighting against hypocrites too.  They were religious hypocrites that took the old law of God and twisted it around and tried to force thier opinions on the masses.  The ACLU is in turn taking the founding documents of this great country and twisting them around and trying to force thier opinions on the masses.  After all the seperation of church and state is merely found not in official law documents but rather in personal writting between founding fathers.  So does that mean if we find some personal writtings between founding fathers where they request prayer one for the other that now the ACLU has to go around forcing our leaders to pray for each other?  Does that mean that if we find documentation of founding fathers writting personal letters to each other where one argues for slavery, then now the ACLU has to run around and force us to have slaves?  The arguments that they make do not make any sense!!!
       Christians, civil, law abiding citizens and people with heart and thought should all come together on this issue and support the people of the greater Bay Minette area and force the ACLU to either come up with a real reason why this act should not continue or shut up and go home and leave normal America alone.  Just because you have the bully pulpit sometimes, doesn't mean that all of us "ignorant, regular people" out here believe your ridiculous, pretend agenda.
        Now one of the ACLU's greatest arguments is that there are crazy, right wing, radical, religious freaks out there that are doing damage to our country.  Guess what?  I AGREE!  If any of you were to follow my minsitry for the shortest amount of time you would know that I spend a lot of time hammering those people too, but because one idiot acts dangerous, doesn't give the next person the right to act just as dangerous in a different direction.  People want sanity, freedom, help for the hurting, a chance to show what they can do. 
     The ACLU has a lot of top dogs and people pushing them, these days, that are athiests.  This is what is driving a lot of thier agenda.  But once again, let us look at the hypocrisy of it all.  they claim to want to help people and break peoples bondage to religion and give them the freedom to choose.  After all the ACLU is about compassion and courtesy, right?  Right?  Well, why don't we do a little excersise.  Sit down with two blank sheets of paper.  At the top of one write "religious".  At the top of the other write "athiest".  Now list for me if you will all of the religious charities that you know of.  Now, list for me if you will all of the atheist charities that you know of.  Do you need some extra time on that one.  Now write down the names of all the people in your community that you know that was given food when they were hungry, clothes when they didn't have any, from religous groups.  Now do the same for the athiests.  Now list the christian hospitals in your area.  Now the atheist ones.  Now list the christian based drug rehabs in your area, now the athiest ones.  The christian youth camps.  The athiest ones.  Is any one seeing a pattern here?  Go downtown to the largest community near you and ask a street walker who they call when they need help, ask a homeless person where they go when they have a desperate need, ask a poor person who was the last entitiy to help them pay their electric bill...I'm sure they will say it was the local athiests!!!  NOT.  No, because the athiests have put all of thier eggs into two baskets.  Schools and governments.  They want to control the next generation.  See how far you have to go back until the majority of all of the cases that the ACLU took up were NOT about schools or governments.  Now I ask you, how many of you are happy today with your schools and your governments?  These are the two areas that the American public is more disgusted wtih than any others and these are the two areas where we continually let the ACLU have thier way.  WAKE UP PEOPLE!  RISE UP!  Think and act on things that matter.  You can start by spreading this blog to everyone you can get it to.  E-mail, copy and paste, re-blog, facebook, like, link, comment, tweet, print flyers and pass it around.  Read it in your churches on Sunday morning!!!  This is not a political statement and it's really not even much of a religious statement.  It's a LOGICAL statement.  We need less strategizing and more common sense. 
your humble servant,
Rev. D. Todd Sloggett

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