E-Mail question number 4 I believe
I hate sin. Mainly because God hates it but also because it was so destructive to me and still is to so many others. I am against lust, pride, hatred, fornication and all sin. I am against all things that lead to these sins and promote these sins. Which as a general rule leads me to be the enemy of things like rock n roll and country and western music and immodest attire and hollywood, etc etc etc. Televisions don't sin. Movie reals don't sin, short skirts don't sin, guitars don't sin. Hollywood producers and actors sin, rock n roll and country n western singers sin, BUT, so do bankers and judges and grocery store managers and youth leaders and evangelists. We need to preach against and stand against SIN not THINGS. When I see someone wearing some of those things that you speak of I hardly even notice them. Seriously! I don't necessarily care about where people are as much as I care about where they are going. I know if I can get their heart right then God will get their life right. The only times I think twice about those things that you are naming is if someone was taught better, knew better, was living better and then went backwards. That bothers me A LOT. I know basically what you are asking. And the answer is yes. I believe in the traditional holiness outward standard. I got the real thing. I got it all and I haven't drifted backwards and I don't approve of those that do. But we have to regulate righteousness by the biblical standards of God. God has pure holiness in heaven. It has nothing to do with televisions, monitors, computers or none of the above. It has nothing to do with half, 3/4 or full length material. If has nothing to do with a western twang, a modern beat or a traditional rhythm. If has EVERYTHING to do with modesty, purity, righteousness. These are qualities of God and we need to receive them from Him. And no amount of doing or not doing things for Him will cause Him to give them to us. He is already trying to give them to us and if we will merely receive them from Him, then and only then will we be free from our bondage and we will DESIRE holy things and not unholy things and then neither you nor I or anyone else will have to keep this list of what we are and what we aren't against.
Remember one important thing, in the modern sense of the word "sanctified": GOD IS NOT "SANCTIFIED".....HE IS HOLY!!!! We need to be sanctified holy. He IS holy. Sanctification is the process of us being set apart, separated and made ready to be used. He doesn't need that process, He never did. He is just HOLY. This being said, the idea that we are becoming "more Godly" by not going to movies, not wearing shorts and tank tops, etc. is not very accurate. We become more Godly by letting Him make us more Holy, which sanctifies us which causes us to desire and thus do less and less unGodly or unHoly things and even causes us to desire and do less things that appear or could lead to unGodly or unHoly things.
I hope this helps some more and answers this particular question too. God bless you my brother. Hope to hear from you again soon. Love and prayers.
Your humble servant,
Rev D. Todd Sloggett
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