Wednesday, July 25, 2012

New study material from HMA!!!

     Here it is!  Finally.  In all of our studies about outreach, discipleship and the church, over the last decade +, we have continually concluded that two of the main topics that the church is going to have to address better is adultery and addiction. 
     We could go off into, definitions of sanctification and political fellowships etc, etc but that would be not only boring, it would also be re-re-re-inventing the wheel.
     What we do know though is this, if the modern day, true church of the living God cannot help people with addictions and divorce and re-marriage then they might as well pack it up.  Oh, I guess they could join the Lion's club or continue the family cult or something but probably not be a serious soul saving station. 
     I realize that we here at HMA are thus far better known for dealing with addicts than adulterers but we felt the need to tackle this topic as well. 
     In so doing, I realized right away that the best way to deal with any sin is to teach people not to commit it.  In order to do this we had to pinpoint some very fine root causes and here we start.  This is a picture of the cover page of the teachers edition of HMA's brand new material "AFFAIR PROOFING YOUR MARRIAGE" (produced by Pastor David Lamb and Rev. Todd Sloggett).  It was originally setup as a seminar because that would make it the most versatile.  It can be used from this format as personal study material, Sunday School literatue, a seminar put on by yourself or a seminar put on by one of our ministers here at HMA.  A sample packet with all of the origianl material in it can be purchased by sending a $25.00 donation to: Affair Proofing Your Marriage c/o HMA po box 12 Sapulpa, OK 74067.  You will get a copy of the teachers edition, a copy of the student edition, and a letter explaining how to use the material and or get more copies.  Please be sure to include your proper return address.  Share this information as much as you can.  God bless you and pray for HMA.

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