Friday, July 22, 2016

Make a REAL Difference!

Drug use isn't that bad yet in America.  Crime rate is at an "OK" level for me.  A few more abortions aren't really going to matter.......Of course you don't believe this, but if the only thing someone could know about you is your spending habits...If I never met you but saw your bank statements, would I think that deep down in your heart of hearts, this is how you really felt.  One man said that the only way to truly know what people love and what they hate is to follow their money.  It's something to think about.

Today I write about something very important to me.  GIVING!  I have actually said from pulpits before, "If you do not donate to good Godly causes that are fighting against the things that you are complaining about...STOP COMPLAINING because you are a hypocrite!"  Strong words I know, but I meant it and I still do.

I wonder how many horrible things would not have happened to us if we had been giving to causes all along that combat those things that ended up happening to us.  Your spouse became an alcoholic and ran off.  Your son or granddaughter ended up on meth or heroine.  Sure, the random chance of anyone getting caught up in a terrible situation is always there but we cannot pretend like there is no cause and effect.

Being a Christian minister and counselor and specializing in addictions I can tell you a few things.  I see devastating things happening to white and black, rich and poor, city folks and country folks, church families and non-church families....but one thing that I have noticed.  All addicts are extremely selfish in nature and a majority of addicts come from selfish environments.  Selfishness is the key component that we look for and try to fix when dealing with almost all addictions.

When asked by many pastors, how to stop addictions in the next generation or how to raise a generation that are not prone to drugs and other addictions, I alway say the same thing.  Teach and preach very Biblically, very passionately and very consistently against the sin of selfishness.  The more selfless a group is, the less likely they are to have addictions.

To me there is a pure correlation here.  Every generation in America has had it better than the last.  Bigger homes, newer cars, more things, more pleasure, Etc. Etc.  And each level of self indulgence is more and more acceptable.  With this in mind, I beg of you to consider my theory.

Human children are amazing individuals.  From pre-birth to early teen they are leaning by all manner of stimuli at an unbelievable rate.  Motor skills, talking, walking, voice inflections, eating, mannerisms, mood, depth of language, fact, theory, prejudices and on and on.  In the beginning they are taught all most entirely by who they are around.  This factor stays constant for life but other factors are eventually introduced such as reading and rational thought.  Never the less, learning behaviors that form people and their personalities come from forming oneself after others.  Especially those that you admire and look up to.

All of this being said, each generation gets a little more selfish, in general, as each generation teaches them to.  One of the greatest social and personal ways to counter act this is to give of your time and money to people and efforts that can never give anything back but do make for a better society.  It is an absolute win-win.  You will be teaching your own youth to not be selfish.  They will, by natural means, aspire to be selfless like you AND if something bad happens to them, you, friends or family, Etc. You will have already been helping grow the strength of the very entities that will be able to do something about it.

There are so many excuses to not give but they just don't hold water to me.  Giving is right at any level.  If you make 200.00 a week or 2,000.00 a week.  A small percentage of your income, strategically planted into the right ministries will bless God and His people's efforts and increase your income (unless you are specifically giving for that reason), as well as grow your faith as you see how real God's promises are.  On top of all of this, there is nothing in the world like seeing a woman decide to not abort, watching a couple get their kids back or knowing about an ex-addict that has been clean for several month or even years.  Most especially, when you know that The Lord used you to be a part of the solution.

I would never wish this on anyone but I see it all too often.  When you spend all of your time working, making money or buying bigger and better toys or putting your children through advanced classes, high end sports camps, teaching them to swim, dance, play instruments, etc and give them the latest in attire, electronics and vehicles just to see it all destroyed with an addiction to prescription pills that you didn't find out about until too late or a night of passion with a member of the opposite sex that you didn't even realize took place.......I see it ALL THE TIME!

The amount of churches, programs and nonprofits that are trying to really help people and really make a difference are so few and so overwhelmed that if you have ever been in the desperate situation to have to try to get help for someone, you know just how few and far between real help can be.

I am asking all who read this letter to consider your lifestyle, consider the world around you and consider your children and grandchildren's futures.  Make a difference.  Give.  Donate.  Volunteer.  There are some really good causes out there and despite all of the bad that has been done over the decades with the abuse of non-profits, there are some really decent, helpful and GODLY organizations that you can give to.

If you want your money to go to a certain type of cause and do not know who to give it to.  Ask us.  We probably know of the right one.  If we don't, we will do the research for you.  The best type of giving is local and the best amount is not an amount.  What I mean by that is, the best way to give is consistently.  Any non-profit is glad to get any donation but the more consistent the giving is the less expensive things will ultimately cost for the organization.  Anytime that you can plan your finances you can save by budgeting.  If you have to wait until things are emergencies and then pay for them when you can, you will end up spending more.  Some people don't like this and some groups may not like me saying it but 10.00 a month for a year is often better that a one time donation of 100.00.

If you can volunteer, by all means please do.  The experience is often life changing.  But please, please consider that if everyone gave consistently.  5.00, 20.00, 50.00 a week, a month, a quarter, we could literally change the world!  I believe this with all my heart, because I have seen the effects over a couple of decades and in tens of thousands of lives.  I know people are extremely busy but two things you MUST DO to not be a part of the problem.  #1 Spend time with your family and #2 teach them by example to give and be a part of the solution.

If you would like to contact our Christian Non-Profit or learn more about us, please visit us at

Your humble servant,
Rev. D. Todd Sloggett

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