After driving back to Oklahom from Alabama, spending four nights at home and leaving my wife home with the kids, I drove to Georgia. I went to a new church that I had never been to before in Nashville, GA and met some great folks. The new pastor there is Rev. Paul Guthrie. Brother Paul is a dear friend of mine and had asked me to come by and meet his congregation. I preached a Sunday morning service for them and we had a potluck dinner. They were very kind to let me live in thier evangelist's quarters while I was there as well. That night I preached for Pastor Rob Merit, another close friend of mine, at Chatterton Holiness Baptist Church near Douglas, GA. Chatterton has been a monthly sponsor of HMA as long as I can remember. That night our service got out a little early so I slipped into Douglas and went to church at Westside Holiness church where Bro. Steve Gentery is pastor and was able to see many of my old friends. Westside has been one of the strongest supporting churches of HMA since I met them. While I was there Pastor Steve asked me if I could swing back by in a couple of weeks and preach for them.
Lastly, I drove back to Douglas, GA and spent the night with some great and special freinds of ours, Bro. Tommy and Sis. Mary Guthrie. The next morning I went to the Annual Holiness Baptist Campmeeting to hear Brother Phillip Deane preach.....(because he's my board member. Haha). He is going to kill me. Anyway, he truly did preach a powerful and wonderful message. I rarely get to hear much preaching in person anymore but that morning I was awestruck and inspired. I was supposed to preach that night at West Side Holiness Church in Douglas and then leave out for Oklahoma after service but Pastor Steve Willingham of the Holiness Baptist Campmeeting asked me if I could possibly stay over and preach the next morning during the campmeeting. So I did preach for Pastor Gentry that night at Westside and we had a great service, as we always do at Westside, and then I spent the night again with Bro. Tommy and Sis. Mary, went back to the campmeeting and Brother Deane and I both preached and then I left for Oklahoma.
This was the end of our 'big trips" that were scheduled this summer and these last few blogs about Virginia, California, Alabama and this one about Georgia and Florida, span a period of time where I was home for 6 nights out of 7 and 1/2 weeks. We have taken some "smaller" trips since then and I will try to blog about them as well. During all of this traveling and preaching out, we, (with the trememdous help of our staff and families), were able to maintain all of our other mission works and the furniture thrift store while continuing to build on our part of the kingdom of heaven. Also I would like to add that 100% of all of the funds raised on each of these trips were used in the direct work of reaching the least, the last and the lost! God bless each and every one of you.
Bro. Sloggett, you & all that preach the "TRUTH" in these latter days, bless & inspire me in a great way! This kind of preaching causes me to dig deeper into God's Holy Word which gives me a desire to pray more. We are keeping you, your family & HMA in our prayers (And I am not lying:)LOL).