Monday, December 5, 2011

Notes from Rev. Todd's desk

     I have traveled long and hard lately but God has allowed us to be fruitful.  The Christmas programs are going very well.  We are still just a little bit short of all the funds that we need to do everything that we wanted to do but we are still trusting the Lord to help us and we are not done trying yet. 
     The main reason that I am dropping this little blog in tonight is not to talk about all of the preaching that I have done lately but to talk just a little about the little preaching that I have heard lately.  I was reminded that a preacher needs to be preached to.
     I was able to hear and talk to a few preachers in the last few days that helped me trememdously.  Pastor Shuecraft and Sis. Helen Stewart to note just two.  I am reminded of the basics, to put first things first, to be careful not to major on minors or minor on majors, and that a preacher must act out his sermons every day.
     Your relationships are first and formost.  With your God, your spouse, your children and friends.  No amount of study, verbage, sophistication or hype can replace prayer, fasting and sincerity.  Living right still trumps being thought well of, and or being skillful.  And by all means, staying in the will of God is the life of a preacher.
One last note shared by Sister Shuecraft- CALL NO MAN WORTHLESS, FOR WHOM CHRIST DIED.-Livingston...God bless you and God bless HMA!
your humble servant,

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