Monday, December 10, 2012


     One of the greatest feelings in the world is something that just happened to me....AGAIN! About a year ago, or a little less, HMA Tulsa started picking up a woman from the homeless shelter that just showed up there one night. She came to church off and on and it became very obvious that she was on drugs pretty bad. She prayed a few times but didn't seem to get the help that she needed. One nig
ht she really got through and it seemed that the Lord touched her greatly. After a few more services we never saw her again. The only contact that we ever had with her was through the shelter and they didn't know where she went.
I stopped at Wal-Mart this evening and walked right into her. She hugged me and introduced me to her three daughters. "This is Brother Todd that I told you about." She explained to me that she left her home and three daughters for the drugs and just lived on the streets and in the shelters but THAT NIGHT, she got healed and delivered. Her three daughters had kept the home as best they could for over a year and after her conversion the lady went back to her home and daughters and re-took the responsibility of raising them and helping them. The girls looked to be between the ages of about 14 and 20. She told me that they go to church where they live and she has been clean for 5 months straight. She was over here visiting friends and was so glad to run into me......Not as glad as I was to run into her!!!!!! This is the fourth time in the last few months that something like that has happened to me at that Wal-Mart. I gotta go to Wal-Mart more often. :))
     By the way, do stories like this just "blow your mind"? Obviously, you need to re-think your ministries.....or get some.
Your humble servant,
Rev. D. Todd Sloggett

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Evangelizing the world from Lower Alabama

Here is a note from our HMA evangelist:

     God is so Good. For those of you that recall. We have had a visitor at the Church for the last couple of weeks from the country of Denmark. Due to her place of residence and upbringing, she has very limited knowledge of the God of the Bible. She understood a fair deal of English. God in all His mercy had been dealing with her heart since her arrival.  She attended some of the regular scheduled services at Fretwell. At the youth service at Dean's (This is where we host all of the youth services) Friday night she prayed and said she wanted to be saved! Praise God!!!!! She did not feel comfortable praying in English because she could not express herself. It was the first time that we ever had the opportunity to pray with someone while they were praying in a native Danish language. She was concerned that she could not pray in english. I told her that God could understand her language to prayer however she felt best. :) She prayed in Danish and asked God to save her. I am so Glad that we serve a God who is not limited, and can reach anybody at anytime and in anyplace.

Please see her Testimony that she text as she was flying out back to the county of Denmark listed below:

"I have a prayer request so please tell them that I first of all would like to thank the Lord for forgiving me for my sins, I can't make it without him. I need him and I'm grateful for His mercy.. I love The Lord and give him my all.. Second thank everyone at church for their hospitality. I've loved every minute of my stay.. Tell'em im sorry i had to rush out, but its been a blessing meeting them. I love all of them and I'm gonna miss them a lot when I leave- I wish I didn't have to leave, but hope they pray for me to have a safe trip today when i fly out..""

Thank God for his power. Pray for her that God will keep and strengthen her, as well as allow her to share Christ in her home country. Remember "It's all about souls".  

Love In Christ,
Larry W. Davis, Sr.

The Davis Family,
Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.